Ashley always wanted a cozy old farmhouse. She finally found the home of her dreams when she happened upon this beautiful 1917 farmhouse. Actually, she says the house found her.

remodeled old farmhouse kitchen

Ashley had also dreamed of having a luxurious Victorian style library to house her large old book collection. Thus began her old farmhouse remodel.

woman using laser tool to measure old farmhouse windows in library

She chronicles the transformation of her old farmhouse remodel into luxury library on her Instagram @our1917farmhouse. We love the opportunity to peer inside old farmhouses like hers.

old farmhouse remodel of library room in progress

She keeps some farmhouse decor while incorporating her own Victorian library influences.

cozy old farmhouse library with woman on ladder and man with book standing across from her

woman sitting at desk in remodeled old farmhouse library

She keeps her cozy old farmhouse cozy by incorporating window inserts. They regulate the temperature while also protecting her valuable book collection.

woman installing indow window insert into old farmhouse windows in library

During the old farmhouse remodel, Ashley realized she needed something to block UV rays from her books. Some are nearly 200 years old and need all the help they can get! The window inserts do that and keep the library comfortable to sit in for hours.

woman installing window inserts in remodeled old farmhouse library

Read more about insulating window inserts that seal window drafts to keep rooms cozy, whether they have old farmhouse windows or not.

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